Mad About Cake!
I am a self-taught baker and cake decorator working from a small kitchen in New York City.
I didn't start baking until after college, and it wasn't until maybe 10 years ago when I became really interested in cake design. At that time, I was transitioning into nonprofit work after 8 years of teaching, but I was always interested in doing something creative. So I volunteered to do my niece's first birthday cake, which, unfortunately, didn't turn out as well as I had wanted. Nevertheless, her parents trusted me with her birthday cake the following year, then the year after that, and so on... my baking and decorating skills improving with each passing birthday.
As my work got better, other family members and friends began asking me to make cakes for their birthdays, as well as christenings, showers, and even a wedding. Eventually, I found myself with a very (very!) small side business doing something I genuinely enjoy.
- Ron Baltazar / Mad Batter NYC